100% of 100

There's nothing like receiving a beautiful bouquet of roses, especially when they're from that special someone. But what if those roses could last a lot longer than just a few days? Now, with our basket arrangement of 40 red roses, you can enjoy their beauty for weeks to come. Plus, we've added a bottle of champagne to make this an even more special gift. So whether you're celebrating an anniversary, a birthday, or just want to show your love, this is the perfect way to do it.

There's nothing like receiving a beautiful bouquet of roses, especially when they're from that special someone. But what if those roses could last a lot longer than just a few days? Now, with our basket arrangement of 40 red roses, you can enjoy their beauty for weeks to come. Plus, we've added a bottle of champagne to make this an even more special gift. So whether you're celebrating an anniversary, a birthday, or just want to show your love, this is the perfect way to do it.

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  1. Quality
    it was adorable , we all enjoy the gift

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