Looking for a romantic way to say "I love you"? Say it with flowers! This stunning bouquet of 10 yellow asiatic lilies is the perfect way to show your special someone how much you care. The cheerful yellow blooms are accented with greens and comes with a bottle of champegne, making it a truly luxurious gift. The lilies will arrive fresh and in bud form, ready to bloom into beautiful blooms. Send this lovely bouquet today and put a smile on their face.

Looking for a romantic way to say "I love you"? Say it with flowers! This stunning bouquet of 10 yellow asiatic lilies is the perfect way to show your special someone how much you care. The cheerful yellow blooms are accented with greens and comes with a bottle of champegne, making it a truly luxurious gift. The lilies will arrive fresh and in bud form, ready to bloom into beautiful blooms. Send this lovely bouquet today and put a smile on their face.

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