100% of 100

A dozen white roses is a classic gift that is always appreciated. Our beautiful bundle of 12 white roses is accented with a bottle of champagne, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply saying thank you, this gift will let your loved one know how much you care. The freshness of the roses is guaranteed, and they will arrive in bud form so that they can enjoy them for days to come. Order now and let us deliver this stunning bouquet directly to your door.

A dozen white roses is a classic gift that is always appreciated. Our beautiful bundle of 12 white roses is accented with a bottle of champagne, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply saying thank you, this gift will let your loved one know how much you care. The freshness of the roses is guaranteed, and they will arrive in bud form so that they can enjoy them for days to come. Order now and let us deliver this stunning bouquet directly to your door.

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