Looking for a way to say "I Love You" in a big way? Then this is the perfect gift! Our stunning bouquet of 8 red roses with special packing is accompanied by a adorable 6 inch teddy bear - sure to make your loved one's heart melt.The roses are expertly arranged by our skilled florists and the teddy bear is the perfect finishing touch. This gift is sure to impress and is sure to be remembered for years to come.

Looking for a way to say "I Love You" in a big way? Then this is the perfect gift! Our stunning bouquet of 8 red roses with special packing is accompanied by a adorable 6 inch teddy bear - sure to make your loved one's heart melt.The roses are expertly arranged by our skilled florists and the teddy bear is the perfect finishing touch. This gift is sure to impress and is sure to be remembered for years to come.

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