Is there anything more romantic than a bouquet of fresh red roses? Our 15 red roses bouquet comes with a 6 inch white teddy bear, making it the perfect gift for your special someone. The roses are hand-picked and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that each one is as beautiful as the last. The teddy bear is also hand-crafted, with soft fur that is sure to please. This gift is sure to make a lasting impression on your loved one.

Is there anything more romantic than a bouquet of fresh red roses? Our 15 red roses bouquet comes with a 6 inch white teddy bear, making it the perfect gift for your special someone. The roses are hand-picked and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that each one is as beautiful as the last. The teddy bear is also hand-crafted, with soft fur that is sure to please. This gift is sure to make a lasting impression on your loved one.

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